In short, for the perfectly improved version of &1t; In Blood Nerve, he doesn’t know much about the principles of various spells, but he can practice and use them. Other things are too professional. After learning a little, his head grows big and he gives up.
Elder Li Tian felt that he was really unlucky today. He just wanted to occupy the gate of a small sect, but he didn’t expect to lead to a meeting &1t; The devil of blood nerve >, two disciples died, and they managed to escape.
But as soon as he got out of Taihang Mountain and stopped to have a rest, he felt a burst of danger, which was an instinct developed all the year round. He just thought about it and knew that the guy was coming.
He hurriedly fled to Beijing with a sword. He felt that there were three younger brothers and several nephews there, which should be able to resist this guy, but soon he found that the other side had passed him and was blocking him in front, so he had to fly south again.
But the other party seemed to be teasing him, chasing him for a while every time, and then stopped when he was about to catch up. Then he just wanted to go back to the north, and then he blocked in front of him, making him have to go south, and his heart was full of complaints.
However, he didn’t know that Song Chang-geng was also complaining in his heart. He didn’t dare to use the maximum degree. In this way, every time he drove a section of the road, his injury would have a sign of doing it, and he had to stop to stabilize the injury.
In this way, the two men chased all the way from Taihang Mountain to the vast South China Sea, and the elder who left the field at sea was even more depressed, because it was difficult to find the island at rest, and he was going crazy now.
Song Chang Gung was not much better. The reason why he pursued so persistently was to destroy the other side, prevent him from going back and telling the news, and prevent him from rallying people to threaten Worry-Free Valley and his own safety.
Halfway through Nanjing, Song Chang Gung sensed the existence of his five male disciples. He went down and said hello to them simply. Now the grandson of one of the ministers, the male disciple named Zi Xuanfeng, was born.
This is not a small jade butterfly. Among his 25 disciples, the only one who entered the innate realm, he happily gave Zi Xuanfeng a flying sword. Although the quality was poor, he didn’t help it. Didn’t he see that the master still used a wooden sword?

Chapter 30 Skeleton shelf
The elders who fled for their lives in the South China Sea were depressed because they sometimes didn’t find an island. Song Chang-geng was better, because he was surrounded by a small jade butterfly. This little girl was able to manipulate the ice because she was a ice silkworm metaplasia in ten thousand years.
When he needed to rest and didn’t find the island, he asked my girl to freeze out a piece of ice. Although it was easy for my girl, this little girl learned to rape.
Every time she finished freezing a piece of ice floe about 10 meters, she said she was tired, so Song Changgeng held her, because she had fallen in love with this feeling of being hugged and caressed, especially because this person still existed like a father.
For the performance of my little girl, Song Chang Gung had to smile helplessly. He also knew that the child was taking the opportunity to get close to him, but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t bear to refuse.
The chase stopped and stopped, although I knew it was in the South China Sea, but I didn’t know the specific location. Not only did Elder Tian lose his way, but even Song Changgeng began to turn.
On the verge of catching up this day, I can already see each other’s figure. Song Changgeng has adjusted his savings all the way for so long, and barely suppressed his injury and was about to catch up with him.
Suddenly, both of them felt the fluctuation of mana not far away, and it should be an evil spell in nature, because the feeling of fluctuation is very dark and cold, with the feeling of death.
Elder Li Tian felt happy in his heart. There are evil sects here. Whether it’s asking the other side to mediate or asking the other side to help him resist, it’s always a chance to help. He has been chased to nowhere.
But when I got there, my heart was cold. On this big island of Fiona Fang, people are fighting with two evil masters. How can they help themselves? He has begun to despair.
Because Song Chang-geng took advantage of his diversion to catch up, he was so cruel that he decided to solve it here, and it was a big deal to die, but he wouldn’t let the other side feel better.
Just as he was about to start work, the two evil masters who attacked each other stopped. In fact, one was attacking another’s abode of fairies and immortals, and the other’s abode of fairies and immortals was in a valley on this big island.
Stopped by the other side of the abode of fairies and immortals defense law, never attack in another evil master, saw three people stopped, he alert and asked:
"Where did several Taoist friends come from? If you are passing by, don’t bother us. If you know my brother? Please don’t shoot, too. This is a legacy between us. Thank you. "
Looking at this guy who is talking, Song Changgeng wants to laugh. This guy is all skin and bones, simply wearing a piece of cloth as clothes, and it is already dirty and broken.
What does he think? This guy looks like a skeleton frame, but now this skeleton frame actually salutes, saying something soft and hard, and it’s still human.
However, Elder Li Tian is not a rookie like Song Changgeng, and he doesn’t understand many things. As soon as he saw this skeleton shelf, he observed each other’s cultivation at first sight.
According to his observation, the cultivation of this skeleton shelf is higher than that of him. He quickly responded with a warning: "Taoist friend is welcome. I was chased by this Taoist friend. Please help me. I am grateful to Shamanism."
"Shamanism? A branch of northern magic? Who can kill you? Who is this Taoist friend? " Skeleton shelf obviously knows a lot of things, his mouth questioned, but he respectfully turned to Song Changgeng and asked.
He knows the northern demons. Although the Five-party demons are now weak and the northern demons have disappeared, it is said that the Shamanism founded by an ordinary disciple of the northern demons is also very powerful.
Seeing that the old man who was hunted for shamanism was not much worse than himself, the young man who could ignore the forces of shamanism and kill him was very powerful, so he bowed respectfully and asked questions.
Song Chang-geng smiled all over his face, but there was something strange in this smile. Before the skeleton shelf could respond, there was a strong wind in the air for no reason, and several people in the air were slightly able to resist it.
Just as the skeleton shelf and the elders leaving the field were still wondering, the wind came a little inexplicably. Suddenly, they were in a hurry and their skills were crazy, but they still kept shaking.
My little girl’ Jade Butterfly’ was born in 10,000 years. ice silkworm was bred by the Gangfeng in the mountains and mountains, the ancient Xuan Bing in the ground and the Gangfeng in the lungs. She was born to manipulate the wind and ice.
In the pursuit of all the way, Song Changgeng thought of many ways to deal with the old guy in front of him. One of them was that he secretly attacked each other by minifying the’ Xuan Yin Blood Flame God Gang’.
Small to thin, half a centimeter long, and then let my girl fan up a gust of wind, he put these’ Xuan Yin blood flame God Gang’ filament heads, mixed in the wind, attached to the target’s body.
As soon as the other party gives up the defense, the filament heads of these "Xuan Yin blood flame gods" will get into each other’s bodies and directly start to devour each other’s JingXie soul and vitality.
Skeleton shelf is well-informed, and he is also very timid and afraid of death. He knew what it was as soon as he entered the body, and he also knew what his result was.
This is known as the first method of magic teaching &1t; In "Blood Nerve", the "Xuanyin Blood Flame God Gang", which is the first to attack, specifically devours the soul and vitality of the other party’s Jingxue, which is almost irresistible, at least he can’t resist.
Between life and death, his mind turned, and he immediately forced his mouth to beg for mercy and said, "Daoyou, I am innocent!" At all, I don’t know this person, Daoyou, Daoyou! Spare my life, I am willing to be driven by Taoist friends, and beg … "
Hearing that he begged for mercy, Song Changgeng immediately stopped devouring him and banned him. He used the "forbidden method on a whim", which was a spell based on the "mysterious blood and flame gods".
Therefore, you can immediately change the’ Xuan Yin Blood Flame God Gang’ that enters the other person’s body into a ban, and attach it to the other person’s soul, blood and vitality. As long as the performer moves, he can directly torture or devour everything of the other party at any time.
This is a spell that specifically forbids others. Once banned, it will become the slave of the caster, so it is called’ blood slave’.
Seeing the skeleton shelf knowing the opportunity to beg for mercy, Elder Li Tian was filled with all kinds of complicated emotions, such as remorse, anger, fear, etc. He gritted his teeth and said in his heart,’ It is better to disappear between heaven and earth than to be a slave.’ As soon as he made up his mind, he immediately gave up his resistance and began to blast his Jingxue vitality and soul with the secret technique of magic teaching. Although this method can hurt the enemy, he will be frightened out of his wits and never be born.
[End of the third volume]

Chapter 31 Naked God
(The second watch, I lost track of time because I was so busy with the manuscript. Sorry, it’s a hundred to ten thousand dollars! I don’t like chapter 28, oh, I can’t help it. My writing level is not good, and many things can’t be expressed, so I have to say I’m sorry, so I’m embarrassed to collect and recommend it. Poor. )
The shaman’s elders leaving the field still underestimate the power of the’ Xuan Yin Blood Flame God Gang’, and these silky’ Xuan Yin Blood Flame God Gang’ that entered his body are expanding themselves in the process of swallowing.
And quickly formed a network, although most of it was destroyed by the power of his blasting, but still left a part, and his explosive didn’t do any harm to Song Changgeng at all.
In view of what happened in front of the Worry-Free Valley, Song Chang Gung generally didn’t let the little Jade Butterfly leave him one meter away, and once he met the enemy, he let the little girl hold his neck and lie on his back.
My little girl is very fond of this posture now. Although Song Changgeng only asked her to call Master instead of calling her Dad, she always regarded him as her father and the closest relative.

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