Su Yonglin didn’t have any difficulty when the mother and son came to Zhongdu City with trepidation.
Su Yonglin decided to send the Empress Dowager of Xixia to Zhongdu No.2 Textile Factory for labor reform. In the future, she will be allowed to retire as a worker in the textile factory and lead an ordinary life without any accident.
Li Chunbao, the little king of Xixia, was renamed Chun Li. He is just five years old this year, and Su Yonglin decided to send him to Zhongdu No.3 Mongolian School to receive a new education with his peers to change his life track.
Xixia staff against your honor, civil servants, and military commanders were beheaded by the Ministry, and relatives and friends of the people were found guilty according to the law.
Beheading, beheading, exile, Heilongjiang Province, exile, Heilongjiang Province, labor reform, labor reform
Fortunately, the old ruling class in Xixia was swept away and a country in Xixia was completely swept into the historical garbage dump after being cleaned twice by the state of Jing and Guo.
After Xixia Kingdom stopped, Hexi Province took its place, and after hundreds of years of separatist regime, it finally returned to its proper state.
Su Yonglin immediately ordered Joline Hexi Hangshang Province to participate in politics and become the chief executive of Hexi Hangshang Province. The response speed of this long-planned administrative class to switch administrative state instantly is comparable to that of the government of the Southern Song Dynasty.
Anyway, highlight a seam switch.
Because everything was ready long ago, the country took over the Xixia government, and the foundation was to run the Xixia hometown according to the requirements of Hexi Province, and it soon entered the state of Hexi Province.
The peasants and herdsmen at the bottom, who account for the vast majority of the population, have long since been taken care of by the national policy and the grass-roots organizations of the Renaissance Association, and they have no idea what Xixia is and what the old country is, and they have no indication of Xixia’s demise.
They simply accepted the fact that they became nationals overnight.
The bottom, which accounts for the vast majority of the population, does not object to the fact that the Xixia layer has been eliminated by the organizational system, leaving some small fish and shrimps unable to scamper, and they have to rely on national policies to eat. Of course, they will not object to such a thing
The collapse of Xixia and the establishment of Hexi Province did not stir up any waves. After the two-month counter-insurgency war, Hexi Province achieved a smooth transition at the beginning of Hongwu five years.
The worries of the northwest frontier of big countries have been completely lifted.
Su Yonglin has allocated some preferential policies and financial support to Hexi Province, and transferred a batch of materials to enrich the treasury of Hexi Province. Next, it depends on whether Hexi Province can benefit Ningxia Plain and Hetao Plain to rebuild a plug in the south of the Yangtze River.
Anyway, Joline officially took out the long-considered Ningxia Plain Revitalization Plan, Hetao Plain Development Plan and the environmental improvement plan after taking part in the political affairs of Hexi Province.
In order to cooperate with the macro policy of Yellow River regulation, the Hetao Plain and Ningxia Plain must also make some changes.
At the same time, it is necessary to restore the natural environment damaged by extensive farming and reduce the sediment content of the Yellow River from the source area.
This policy was praised and passed by the central court seminar.
Su Yonglin signed an order to allow the implementation of expectations. Zhou Lincke will do what he expects in five years and pull up production in Hexi Province.
Hexi province is an important springboard to March into western Liao and capture the western regions in the future, and it is also an important military significance to manage grassland and clamp down grassland forces.
Xixia stopped the stall when Hongwu came in five years.
In order to prepare for the second imperial examination, Su Yonglin put all his energy into this aspect for the time being, and even the return and retraining of the Shenji camp did not distract him too much.
Chapter 11 Now this is fairness.
The second imperial examination in big countries is the first imperial examination in accordance with the new regulations.
Compared with the old times, the first imperial examination in Hongwu two years and the second imperial examination in Hongwu five years have more significance.
Because this is the first time to complete the imperial examination according to your own rules, and it is the first imperial examination after the official certification of Confucianism was deposed.
Has been completely controlled by the Ministry of State Affairs and prepared for the exam according to Su Yonglin’s requirements.
This time, the conditions of the imperial examination are much better than that of the last one. There are no external constraints, and the examination rooms in all parts of the country have been built. The provincial, state and county-level examinations have established definite rules and regulations.
Naturally, it is not necessary to say that the department of rites is directly responsible for the examination and the two exams in palace examination after entering Zhongdu
A new batch of talents in big countries are eager to pass this exam to prove that they have not betrayed themselves.
Su Yonglin called the examination meeting of the Ministry of Rites on the 15th day of the first month of the fifth year of Hongwu, and made a basic understanding of this examination.
Hongwu four and a half years before the final examination, the selection examination links-county examination, state examination and provincial examination-have been completed. The total number of candidates has exceeded 30,000, and most of them have arrived in Zhongdu, waiting for the first test in March and palace examination.
The largest number of candidates is arts and sciences.
It’s only been four years since the reform of the imperial examination. In order to broaden the promotion channels of all social groups, Su Yonglin has opened three subjects besides the original imperial examination subjects: science, engineering and law.
However, after all, the time is relatively short. Even after the devastating blow to the scholar-bureaucrat class, the number of scholars taking the liberal arts examination is still more than three subjects.
However, in Hongwu two years, the number of candidates in the remaining three subjects was less than 60%, and in Hongwu five years, this figure reached 96%.
you are to be congratulated for your most gratifying achievement
But it’s still less. It’s said that the great social inertia can’t be changed for a while.
Among the science, engineering and law candidates, Hongwu’s two-year law candidates are significantly more than those of science and engineering candidates, which is almost equivalent to the sum of the two candidates, followed by engineering and finally science
Hongwu has not improved the grading examination system in the second year, and the number of candidates in three subjects must also be graded. The highest proportion of candidates admitted in Hongwu’s two-year examination is science candidates
At that time, the admission ratio almost reached the state of taking one person for every two people.
You still need to register for reference, which will impact the admission rate close to 50%
When science candidates won hemp.
This situation was not widely known until the results of the imperial examination were announced later.
Compared with the general admission rate of liberal arts and sciences, the number of science candidates is a little less, which is considered as indiscriminate killing, and they have been admitted as officials. Now they are developing quite well and become a member of the vast number of accountants.
This caused a large-scale discussion in society at that time.
On the spot, many liberal arts scholars broke through the defense.
They cried and made a scene, and finally they made up their minds to abandon literary theory, Kong Laotou and Mo, Zuchong and other grandfathers of science, and they chewed on Nine Chapters of Arithmetic.
After three years, this situation is more, except for little accumulation and timely experience. It is really not good to pay attention to the competitiveness of technical engineering examinations, law examinations and science examinations, and the number of candidates has increased exponentially.
Yu Hongwu’s five-year law examination and science examination need to be selected according to the candidates’ place of origin at the provincial level, and the number of candidates should be controlled. The outstanding ones should be selected, and those who make up the rest should be eliminated, and then they will come to Zhongdu to take the final exam.
Rao is so, the difficulty of the three subjects of science, law and engineering is also less than that of the liberal arts exam, not that the topic is difficult, but that the liberal arts competition is relatively large
The liberal arts exam requires five exams, while the law and science exams require three engineering exams, and it takes two selections to decide whether to accept or not.
Therefore, some officials have asked whether this is unfair and whether it can be slightly adjusted.
This proposal was rejected by Su Yonglin, who means that there are too many liberal arts candidates, and if they are admitted, the number of candidates for three subjects will be greatly reduced.
The imperial court needs all kinds of specialized officials to be responsible for the operation of the imperial court, not just relying on administration.
The imperial court needs a master of engineering to promote the development of science and technology, a statistician of science to support the imperial court’s policies, and a judicial officer of law to safeguard social fairness and justice.
The imperial court not only needs administrative officials to maintain its operation, but also needs a large number of professional and technical officials to participate.
Many problems with the old imperial examination were complained by feudal officials themselves. Among them, knowledgeable scholars themselves felt that the officials selected in this way were often beautifully written, and even historical celebrities and some basic common sense didn’t know who politics was, and they couldn’t finish it.
They all think so. Are we still going their way?
Su Yonglin, the preparatory meeting of the Imperial Examination Institute, expressed his views.
"We need to maintain a balanced admission rate before the number of reference candidates reaches a balance.
When the number of reference candidates is balanced, it is no longer recognized that the remaining three subjects are not as good as the liberal arts scholars, then everyone can take the same grading examination together to maintain fairness. Now this is fairness. "
Su Yonglin has a great influence on the political affairs. His words and deeds can influence the direction of political decisions, even if he doesn’t like to be dogmatic.
This is an indisputable fact.
The five-year imperial examination in Hongwu was conducted in accordance with the five-level examination of liberal arts, the three-level examination of law and science and the two-level examination of engineering.

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